Friday, January 27, 2012

I'm of Age and Then Some

Well, I think it's been over a year since my last blog. That I am sorry for but my excuses, like my life was, were not very exciting. I'll try to make a quick summary of the past year. Last winter, had problems that required many trips to the OT, PT and my therapist. My disorder will forever be "Conversion Disorder." After losing my ability to walk, talk, function in a way that was my normal self, it's taken me most of my energy and determination this past year to right this dibilitating disorder. I come to you now, no walker, no cane and as long as I keep stress free and calm, I am returning to my old self....which I like much better. My doctors were/are wonderful, all my therapists have been so supporting and my family has been great. My soulmate who happens to be my husband of 42 yrs, kindly and unselfishly stepped up to the challenge of being my caretaker. Like he has been for all my recovery from childhood trauma, he was right by my side to encourage every effort I made. My own cheering squad...I could not have made it thru this part of my life without him. He never showed any resentment...only love. Very much like Gabby Giffords' husband. I am truly grateful for his strength. I love you to the moon and back, Dick. You are my blessing.

Getting back on my feet, so to speak, is slow but I've been able to complete 4 quilts for granddaughters...only one to go. I love those girls. Finished scrapping our vacation book of 2008. Come on....I'm a slow scrapper. Made cards......many, many cards. Planted a garden, with the help of friends but was able to harvest it myself. (See...I told you I was getting better.) Thanksgiving and Christmas were hard but with help from all my immediate family, we pulled it off at our house. Not sure we'll do that again, soon.

January has been uneventful...very little snow...sort of depressing. Can't afford to stay depressed so I've decided to rearrange "my" room. It's my craft/scrapping room and in the past twelve months has taken on an appearance that isn't helpful to my creative side. Downsizing is definitely an option that will take place in the next few days. Wish me luck. So until my next safe and make sure you don't run with scissors in your hands.

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